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Not all pregnancies are the same.  Some are planned and some are not. Some are easy and some are difficult. Some couples have all the assistance they need but often couples are separated from their primary support systems due to physical or emotional distance.  Sometimes support is unavailable, even if it is in close proximity, due to demanding work schedules or health concerns.  


Society demands couples be able to "do it all".  But pregnancy and childbirth require a cohesive coordination of many facets of a family's network. Mindful preparation can ensure that all the components of that network (including your spouse or partner, community resources, family, and friends) are aware of their role in fostering your family's well being. 


This is a major life event and women go through many changes emotionally, physically, and mentally that can sometimes be difficult to manage and require extra attention. Taking care of your emotional self during this transition can improve you and your baby's health.  Additionally, all these changes can create stress, distance, or strained communication in a couple which, if left unaddressed, can damage a relationship. 


Therapy can help your family to address all of these issues so that it can grow in a more nurturing environment.


"Recent research has shown that at least 10% of pregnant women will experience depression/anxiety...Women with these symptoms are at risk for postpartum depression.  It is important to speak with your healthcare provider to get treatment during pregnancy and put together a postpartum plan." *



*from the Postpartum Resource Center of NY at

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